9:00am - 12:00pm
Chemical kinetics & Mechanism construction
Olivier Herbinet (CNRS – LRGP, France)
12:00pm - 2:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Uncertainties, validation, and refinement of detailed chemical kinetic mechanisms
Tamás Turányi (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)
About the speakers and the contributions
Olivier Herbinet
Engineering degree (2003) from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques of Nancy. PhD degree (2006) from the Institut Nationale Polytechnique de Lorraine (in chemical engineering with specialization in gas phase chemistry). Postdoctoral research studies at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2007) in the Combustion Chemistry group with Dr C.K. Westbrook and Dr W.J. Pitz. Associate professor at the University of Lorraine since 2007. Research interest at LRGP-Nancy in detailed kinetic mechanisms and experimental jet-stirred reactor studies.
Abstract: The focus will be on the chemistry involved in the combustion of molecules present in practical fuels. The specifies of this chemistry according to the temperature range will be discussed and the link between the chemistry evolution and particular phenomena as cool flame and negative temperature coefficient will be explained. The strategy used for the development of detailed kinetic models will be presented (model structure, rate rules) and possible ways of obtaining the required data (kinetic parameters and thermodynamic properties) will be addressed.
Tamás Turányi
graduated as a chemist in 1983 at the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary. He also received an MSc in Applied Mathematics in 1988 at the same university. He started to work in the field of experimental gas kinetics in the Central Research Institute for Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. He received his PhD degree in 1988 at the ELTE and was a postdoc in the group of Prof Mike Pilling at the School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, UK, in years 1990-92 and 1994-95. He is working in the Institute of Chemistry of the Eötvös Loránd University since 1996. He became a full professor of chemistry in 2007. His main research interest is the simulation of chemical kinetic models based on detailed reaction mechanisms; development, analysis, uncertainty quantification and reduction of reaction mechanisms. The results are used in combustion, atmospheric chemistry and biochemical simulations.
Abstract: Detailed reaction mechanisms for combustion systems can be constructed using three main information sources: direct measurements of the rate coefficients of elementary reactions, high level theoretical calculations of the rate coefficients, and indirect measurements, like measurement of ignition delay time and laminar burning velocity. A systematic procedure was suggested that takes into account of uncertainty of the rate coefficients based on literature sources (called prior uncertainty), and assesses the uncertainty of the indirect experimental data. For a given combustion system, all published information is considered in these three categories, and the rate parameters of the model are fitted to the collected data. The result is an optimized combustion mechanism and a mathematical statistics-based assessment of the uncertainty of the model parameters (called posterior uncertainty). This posterior uncertainty is much narrower compared to the prior uncertainty for the fitted parameters. The obtained optimized mechanism is benchmarked against other similar mechanisms using the collected experimental data. Also, the obtained mechanism can be reduced to make it applicable in CFD calculations. The basic methods for mechanism reduction are briefly discussed.
Mauro Valorani
is Full Professor of Aerospace Propulsion at the Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University, Rome, since November 1, 2013. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering at Trieste, Italy in 1985. He obtained the VKI Diploma in Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics in 1984, from the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Bruxelles. In 1991, he obtained the Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics from Sapienza U. He served as Research Scientist (1991-98), and as Associate Professor (1998-2013) in Aerospace Propulsion at Sapienza U. His research work is mostly related to modeling and computational techniques in Reacting Flows (Combustion, Aero-thermo-chemistry); model reduction, analysis, and solution of large chemical kinetic mechanisms in view of CFD applications; development of stiff solvers for dissipative systems. He recently activated a research line on UQ problems in Reacting Flow.
Perrine Pepiot
Prior to joining the Cornell faculty in 2011, Dr. Pepiot was a research scientist at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado, developing chemical and multi-phase flow models to investigate biomass gasification in fluidized bed reactors for ethanol production. Dr. Pepiot has a Ph.D. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University, and a M.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Ecole Nationale Superieure de l'Aeronautique et de l'Espace (Supaero) in Toulouse, France. Dr. Pepiot research interests are in production and utilization of renewable liquid transportation fuels from a modeling perspective. Her current work aims at gaining a better understanding of the biomass thermochemical conversion processes such as pyrolysis and gasification through the use of detailed multi-scale numerical techniques. Dr. Pepiot is also interested in the development of automatic tools to reduce the complexity of large chemical mechanisms and generate low-order kinetic models for conventional and bio-fuels combustion.
Dirk Roekaerts
obtained the doctoral degree at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) in 1981 on a topic in theoretical physics. From 1987 until 2005 he worked at the Shell Research and Technology Centre in Amsterdam as a research physicist, and (since 1993) senior research physicist, working on modeling of complex flows in industrial equipment, notably furnaces, gasifiers and chemical reactors. From 1991 until 2005 he also was part-time professor at Delft University of Technology. Starting February 1, 2005 he is full-time professor at Delft University of Technology and since May, 2016 he is also professor at Eindhoven University of Technology. His current interests are in model development and validation for turbulent combustion and turbulence-radiation interaction. Application areas are clean combustion technology, fuel cells and thermal solar power.
Abstract: Accurate and computationally efficient models are needed for design of clean combustion technology. In this lecture we start from basic transport and thermodynamic equations and construct models using three types of simplifications: reduced chemistry, models for local flame structure and statistical modeling. We review model approaches in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes modeling (LES)and Large Eddy Simulation (LES). Special attention is given to closure models for the mean chemical source term (turbulence-chemistry interaction, micromixing). It is also explained how the radiative transfer equation can be solved together with the transport equation for mass, momentum, species and energy, and how the effects of turbulence on radiative transfer in flames can be taken into account.
Jeroen van Oijen
received his master degree at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 1996. After that, he became a PhD student (Assistent in Opleiding) in the group of prof.dr. L.P.H. de Goey at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the same university. During his Ph.D., he developed the Flamelet-Generated Manifold (FGM) method, which reduces the computation time of flame simulations by several orders of magnitude. In January, 2002, Dr. van Oijen started to work as postdoctoral researcher in the Combustion Technology group of Prof. L.P.H. de Goey. In 2003 Jeroen was a visiting scientist in the group of Prof. Peters at the Institute für Technische Mechanik, RWTH Aachen. In 2004, he was appointed Assistant Professor in the field of combustion of biofuels. From 2013, he is Associate Professor at the same Institution.
Abstract: Efficient and reliable numerical combustion models have become important tools in the design and optimization process of modern combustion equipment. For accurate predictions of flame stability and pollutant emissions, the use of detailed comprehensive chemical models is required. This accuracy, unfortunately, comes at a very high computational cost. Reduced chemical models lower this burden, without losing too much accuracy. In this lecture, we will study tabulated chemistry models for this purpose. The focus will be on flamelet based methods such as the flamelet-generated manifold (FGM) method. We will study the theoretical background and the application of tabulated chemistry in simulations of various types of flames.
Kyriakos Maniatis
is Principal Administrator in the Directorate General for Energy, European Commission. He is responsible for technical issues related to biofuels and bioenergy and manages the DG ENER demonstration component on advanced biofuels in the Commission's the 7th Framework Programme. He contributes accordingly to the legislative actions of the EC and to the European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative of the SET Plan and he is involved in the CEN standardisation work on liquid and gaseous biofuels. In June 2011 he initiated the Biofuels FlightPath for Aviation in close coordination with the aviation and biofuels sectors. Currently he chairs the Sub Group on Advanced Biofuels of the Sustainable Transport Forum. Kyriakos also represents the European Commission in the Executive Committee of IEA Bioenergy Implementing Agreement and served as the Executive Committee Chairman in 2002, 2005-2007. He regularly organizes workshops and conferences on these subjects.
Abstract: Following the ratification of the Paris declaration in an effort to keep global warming below a critical level and looking into building the Energy Union, 2016 is the year of creating the legislative framework for the future EU energy system beyond 2020. Building the Energy Union and accelerating the transition to Low Carbon Energy is a priority for the current Commission. The presentation will address the Winter Package of EU legislation and communications with emphasis on the Revision of the Renewable Energy Directive which will shape the renewables energy policy and priorities to 2030 and will aim to positioning innovative technologies in the new context and EU targets. In addition to the new legislative actions the presentation will examine the role of the bioeconomy and the circular economy as well as that of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan.
Mara de Joannon
is researcher at Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione (IRC-CNR) since 2001. She graduated in Chemical Engineering at University of Naples in 1994 by discussing a thesis on the formation of pyrolysis products in high pressure spray combustion. As fellow at IRC, she worked on the formation of pollutant formation in internal combustion engines until 1996. In 1999 Mara de Joannon discussed the PhD thesis in Chemical Engineering on the chemical and spectroscopic characterization of high pressure spray autoignition. Currently, she is mainly focused on the study of advanced combustion processes and technologies for fossil and alternative fuels, with particular regard to highly pre-heated and diluted combustion (MILD Combustion).
She is a member of the Advisory Board of the IRC-CNR since 2010 and responsible of the research activities on processes and technologies for pollutants abatement in combustion processes.
Member of the Combustion Institute since 1996, she was Coordinator (35th International Symposium on Combustion) and Co-Chair (33rd and 34th international Symposium on Combustion) of New Technology Concepts, Reacting Flows and Fuel Technology Colloquium. Since March 2015 she is the chair of the SMARTCATs Cost Action (www.smartcats.eu) on the fundamental studies for exploitation of liquid and gaseous (fossil and alternative) fuels as Smart Energy Carriers (SECs) in advanced combustion technology applications.
9:00pm - 12:00pm
Turbulent combustion modelling using tabulated chemistry
Jeroen van Oijen (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
12:00pm - 1:30pm
1:30pm - 2:30pm
EU strategies in the field of new and innovative energy technologies
Kyriakos Maniatis (DG-Energy, EU Commission) - CANCELLED
2:30pm - 5:30pm
Turbulent mixing and turbulence-chemistry-radiation interaction in flames
Dirk Roekaerts (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
9:00am - 12:00pm
Complexity reduction in chemically reacting systems
Mauro Valorani (University of Rome, Italy)
12:00pm - 2:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Generation of reduced kinetic mechanisms
Perrine Pepiot (Cornell University, USA)
9:00am - 12:00pm
Young research mixer (with industry)
Jan Anker (NUMECA International)
A software industry perspective and expectations for young researchers
Chrystelle Verhoest (Laborelec, ENGIE)
Sustainable flexible fuels challenges, CO2 reduction and Valorization, Bio-energy & Biotechnologies
Bruno Symoens (AGC Glass Europe)
Next challenges for industrial combustion in large industrial processes
Efthymia-Ioanna Koytsoumpa (Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe GmbH)
New energy technologies and perspectives in the cross-sectorial industry
Ruud Eggels (Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG)
Combustion technology development at Rolls-Royce
12:00pm - 3:00pm
Poster Session
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Opportunities and challenges of new energy technologies
Mara de Joannon (IRC-CNR, Italy)